Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Photos of our progress

Sian invented a hat back in the early days: And fellow Pirate John turned up one day with a beautiful chunky black scarf he made..

This was back when the Knitting Society was still just a hope and a dream but young Hanna is wearing the first wearables I made- red fingerless gloves in lovely soft kimono silk (which i thought a disgracefully misleading name cause it was only 5% silk huh) She had apparantly discovered another wardrobe leading into Narnia and was shivering in there despite the scorching weather..

I discovered I have a delicious wool shop near me called Wool- and as you can see I was very happy. Aileen the owner has a good ebay shop too- you can buy things on auction and i could pick them up at her shop for you to save on p&p. The shop has knitting workshops too- to make christmas decorations and such.

Progress is no longer being made on my
entrelac scarf but it was growing impressively
for a while:

1 comment:

Atia said...

wow great work kiddo