Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Photos of our progress

Sian invented a hat back in the early days: And fellow Pirate John turned up one day with a beautiful chunky black scarf he made..

This was back when the Knitting Society was still just a hope and a dream but young Hanna is wearing the first wearables I made- red fingerless gloves in lovely soft kimono silk (which i thought a disgracefully misleading name cause it was only 5% silk huh) She had apparantly discovered another wardrobe leading into Narnia and was shivering in there despite the scorching weather..

I discovered I have a delicious wool shop near me called Wool- and as you can see I was very happy. Aileen the owner has a good ebay shop too- you can buy things on auction and i could pick them up at her shop for you to save on p&p. The shop has knitting workshops too- to make christmas decorations and such.

Progress is no longer being made on my
entrelac scarf but it was growing impressively
for a while:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hippy shopping..

www.hippyshopper.tv is the green equivalent to my gadget fix shinyshiny.tv and it showed me two super cool things today. One was a new site that's being launched www.swapaskill.com which I see as part of how the internet is helping a whole self-reliance, and old-fashioned craft/ skill, revolution- I'm not sure on how it will all work but basically people will barter their skills so we won't have to call an extortionate plumber or IT man, but maybe will find065 someone a couple of streets down who'll do it in exchange for Spanish lessons.. It sounds all lovely and communal as opposed to our spendthrift selfish world.

I didn't hear Ben Bradshaw tell everyone to rip off supermarket excess packaging at the till but it sounds like a hilarious and great idea- very guerilla. And the guy is the Environment Secretary so you couldn't be thrown out- but the embarrassment of annoying people might be harsh enough as this guardian article shows..

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Last Knit

A warning to all obsessives..

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Innocent Smoothie Supergran

Did you ever wish you had the chance to do a Blue Peter challenge? The kind where they have a light up machiney thing that measures how many painted matchboxes you sent in..? You know you know what I mean.

Well take a look at this:
it's a hatometer
We need to make little woolly hats for their Innocent Smoothie bottles- and in December they'll start selling them. http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/supergran/
They'll give 50p to Age concern for every hatted bottle they sell and the grannies are making the greatest hats and keep making Hat of the Week. These are this week's Hat(s) of the Week.
It's too much to hope we could reach that honour already when we're only just grasping the concept of hats - but maybe next year...

Just check out the supergran flickr group http://www.flickr.com/groups/supergran2006/pool/ see what they made.. Anyway we can do these at uni and I'll post them off if you want.